Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Flirting with Death, Jumping from the highest bungy in the world.

It was my first time to bungy jump and it is from the highest in the world (Guinness Book of Records).  Macau Tower bungy jump is 233 meters high.  

Was I frightened? or aroused? 

NONE of the ABOVE! 

It is January and it is winter in Macau, what do you expect up there?  FREEZING COLD!

How is it like to jump from the highest bungy in the world?  AMAZEMENT of course!  The best experience ever (but I suggest you guys do it during summer period). I want to do it again and again and again, my third jump will be free since I am now a member of AJHackett plus my second jump will be 4 times cheaper.

I was the first to jump that day and a lot of people (tourist) gathered around me, watching me prep and all.  I think they were trying to wish me good luck but they all look scared and worried. I did not understand what they were trying to say, as I do not understand Chinese.  Maybe one of the old ladies said, “you are soooo stupiiiiiiiid!”

They made one last check before they opened the door (to outside of the tower).  I was asked; “are you ready?” and I answered “yeaaaaah!”

When they opened the door, I froze!  Strong cold wind hit me like a speeding car paralyzing my whole body.  I said to myself, “oooooh shiiit!”

The prep…

A step away from the ledge is a small area to prep the jumpers.  I was asked to sit down on top of the table, which is made of metal and there goes my butt, frosted!  My fingers were literally turning purple.  When Juan (I do not know the name of that guy who put on my straps so let us call him Juan and he is Filipino) was giving me directions and guidelines on how to stand at the ledge, how to lean forward to fall and lastly how to pull the cord.  I tried to pay attention but it was so freaking windy and I barely hear him talk.   But when he said “pull the cord!” I immediately turned my head and looked at his face and asked, “say what? What do you mean pull the cord?!”  Juan said that right after the bungy cord recoils I should pull the cord (actually, it’s a strap) and I should to pull it hard and pull it sideways. 


First, I do not think I will remember all these detailed instructions when I am falling from the highest bungy in the world and second, why do I need to pull the cord? Juan answered, “to release your feet”.  I replied (shocked!), “e-e-excuse me, say that again? Release my feet? woa-woa-why would I want to do that?”.  Juan answered, “so you will not be hanging up-side-down”. 

At that point in time, my ability to understand logic was either already flown away or frozen.  So Juan and I rehearsed. I did not see what exactly happened after I pulled the cord (because I do not know where to look as I am not paying attention) but I heard a ‘click’ sound and I heard straps detaching from each other.  Like I said, I already lost my ability to think so I do not know if I should be scared of that or not.  I just said, “okay!”  Then Juan instructed Tom, “Okay, She’s ready to go!”.

The Epic Fail and the Epic Fall...

Juan and Tom (I do not know the another guy’s name, he is white so let us call him Tom) assisted me off the table and to the ledge. I did not see the tip of the ledge, I just saw the tip of my shoes.   I SAW MYSELF STANDING ON TOP OF THE WORLD!  Everything looks really small up there; even the tallest building in Macau looks small.  I saw the whole of Macau!  If it was not foggy I think I will see Hong Kong and / or China. 

These guys were behind me, Tom was at my left side and Juan was at my right side.  Juan released the bungy cord and it was pulling my feet off the ledge.  Then I sort of panicked, “Wait! The cord is pulling me!” Juan answered, “That is good! It means it is working!” Again, logic! I do not understand!  I just said, “Okay!”  I grabbed Tom’s hand but he let go. 

The count down begun… 5… 4… 3… 2… 1…  I shouted, “Wait! Wait! Wait!”  I did not lean forward after the countdown.  I was not ready to fall.  I pulled back a bit.  I got scared not because of the fall but because I cannot think of anything! I feel pressured to think of something, anything would do!  Like shouting “waaaaah!” or sing a song maybe? But nothing, nothing at all, my mind was completely blank and it freaked me out.

These guys helped by instructing me to spread my arms and tilt my head up.  (That was fun, all I can see was the sky – “am I in heaven already?”).  The second countdown begun… 5… 4… 3…. 2… 1…

When I heard “1”, I lost all my senses except for my sight.  I did not feel cold anymore.  I cannot hear the strong wind anymore.  All that is left is the picture of the sky as a leaned forward… then the sea… then the top of the buildings and then the concrete ground.  When I saw the ground getting closer and closer, that was the time all my senses came back.  I heard myself screaming so loud. 

I love that moment when my mind was completely blank, when my senses were gone, logic was also gone; it was just me, free falling.  I love it!

The bungy cord recoiled; I remembered that I need to pull something.  When I pulled the strap nothing happened.  I tried pulling it harder and then my feet dropped.  I panicked for one fourth of a second but realized my waist was still strapped and attached to the bungy cord.  That was the time I realized what Juan was trying to tell me earlier about releasing my feet so that I will not hang up side down while waiting for the ground crew to pull me.

yay! Logic came back! Laugh out loud.

Thank you Joanne Racoma for supporting my craziness!

Finally, I did it! Jumping from the highest bungy in the world! check!
What's next for Ms Deviant? Ms Deviant will continue breaking the rules, for fun!

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