Saturday, September 22, 2012

Died out for a year!

(click here for my journal catalogue) 
Is it good or bad?  Either or both, I don’t know. 

I died out from virtual world; I haven’t made any videos and uploaded my vlogs to my YouTube page for a year now.   I haven’t seriously updated my blog and I haven’t seriously taken any photography activities for a year now. 

So what happened?  Did I totally lose my passion in vlogging, blogging and photography? 

It all began when I moved to Indonesia for work, July 2011.  I forgive myself for not doing all these activities during my first 4-6 months because work did occupy all the time I have in my hands and all the energy I have in my reserves.  Nonetheless, I am happy for what I have achieved and learned.  I think I did a good job at work.  It was probably one of the most stressing 6 months of my life and I did literally lose a lot of hair.

From time to time I visit my vlogs and blogs just to amuse myself and to remind myself to have fun and go get my adventures once in a while.

I celebrated my 28th birthday in January 2012 and I put a note in my head and set my priorities straight.  Okay!  Scratch that! This is how I actually reacted during my 28th birthday!!!   So there were cakes and candles, they made me blow my candles and I had to close my eyes and make a wish.  In that 2 seconds of my eyes closed this were the exact words in my head…  “What the f*ck?!?! I’m f*ckin’ another year older!!!! 2 f*ckin’ years away from 30!!! and I am f*ckin’ waaaay behind my schedule?!?!”  Note:  I don’t curse! But this time I did! In my head!!!

So I made a pack with myself!   To continue to detach myself from virtual world and start attaching myself more to the real world; socialize, know more people, new people, meet strangers, create adventures, learn to do something new, do something that I’ve always wanted to do, etc.  Surprise myself.  Nett, key words are NEW and NEXT!

So what have I done so far!
  1. I now have a scuba diving license; I’ve already dove 6 times since I got my license in March 2012.  That includes diving in sea world – huge aquarium (LOL), 4 dives during my “final exams” in Sepa Islands and 1 dive in Lombok.
  2. Watch a football match with new people in a sports bar with a lot of beer drinking fans.  I enjoyed watching the beer drinking fans versus the match.  So that night I found myself in Dutch camp.  Why Dutch?  I don’t know.  The guy I met and his friends are Dutch.  Sadly, they lost the match.  It was a fun night!  Memorable night I would say.  
  3. I started playing golf! Oh yes, golf!  I first played (driving range) when I was 12 years old, I think.  And all I can remember was that I was paralyzed for 2 days, all my muscles hurt like hell.  Now I can’t count the number of times I went back to Senayan Driving Range.  I find it so much fun and stress relieving.  First few visits, my swing sucks!  The ball goes backwards instead of forwards and got a little frustrated.  Then I realized that if I picture the ball with something or someone I badly want to hit, there goes a good swing, the ball flies like a bird.  My next visits, I was more calm and positive and learned that I can have a good swing even if I’m in a positive mood. 
  4. A trip to Shanghai, China.  This completes my China trip!  Shanghai was the last place that visited and I finally tick China off my list.  I have seen GuangZhuo, Xian, BeiJing and last is Shanghai.  Went there for a business trip and extended for a day to see my friends there.
  5. Meet new people and strangers!  Ha!  This is funny!  Thanks to Internations, I made a lot of new friends and acquaintances in an instant.  Attended 2 house warming parties.  The first one was with 50 guests inside a huge apartment, met a lot of new people but there’s so much names and stories to remember and with alcohol? that made it more difficult.  The second housewarming party – I did not know the host.  A new friend who I just met an hour before the house warming party invited me to her friend’s house warming party.   Interesting gathering, I met celebrities, young Indonesia business man, etc.  
  6. EUROPE TRIP!!!  Countries I have visited; Austria (Kufstein, Vienna, Innsbruck), Germany (small town near Kufstein), Budapest Hungary, Prague Czech Republic and Venice Italy.  I don’t even know where to begin to describe what I felt and what I saw.  It was just so amazing (maybe I’m saying this because it’s so different than in Asia) that I wanted to go back and if I get the chance to stay there or work there or live there for longer time, I would grab that chance without thinking twice, just for the experience.  I’ll create a separate blog and vlog for this.
  7. I baked muffins!  All by myself!  In my oven!  It’s worth mentioning as I never had the courage to operate an oven til now.
  8. Painting!!!  Ever since when I was a kid, I have always wanted to paint!!!  And I finally got the courage to start painting and so far I love every second of it.
  9. Snow!!! Skiing!!!  I haven’t done this yet.  But I will definitely do this, before this year ends!
  10. Single!  Still single! I haven’t changed my status yet!  The very reason why I did / I’m doing all these from #1 to #9 is the hope of status change. LOL

And I have 3 months remaining before this year ends and before I add another 1 f*cking year in my age.  And that means 1 year before turning 30!  

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